About the International Matriarchist Party (IMP)
The project of founding an IMP was developed at the beginning of 2020 by André Pilon. The Matriarchist ideas were developed and validated with the help of the founder's three brothers and three sisters at several meetings over the preceding years. Opinions shared were diversified and of great value as siblings come from business, factory, legal, construction, health care, and artistic backgrounds.
The party's fundamental goals are:
- Implement modern practical matriarchies by radically reforming the existing political, legal, and economic structures in the targeted communities. We do not aim to implement systems parallel to those enforced by law:
- This does not mean that we could not use civil disobedience at some point to help the party achieve its goals.
Our matriarchy's social project shall start with three basic steps :
- At the political level, Aviacracy means that grandmothers (who do not have a daughter who is herself a grandmother) will hold an exclusive right to vote;
- At the economic level, Donarism will provide a universal basic income program that will guaranty that no one, and especially mothers with minor children, falls below the poverty line;
- At the social level, the default Matriage framework implies that the child's mother and matrilineal siblings will hold exclusive legal rights and duties to the child's care.
At present, we are recruiting founding members to help progressively build official national branches of the IMP wherever such opportunities will develop. The IMP puts upfront radical ideas that too often bring immediate, hostile, and demotivating opposition.
Our strategy is thus to build a strong international matriarchist community that will support the local teams. At the moment, we are specifically seeking help to build a first official Matriarchist Party to participate in any coming elections. For example we anticipate Canadian elections in 2023 because minority governments typically last less than two years1 .
Here are some headlines ideas to be used for promotion:
Logo created by Arnaud Pilon (arnaudpilon.ca)
What happens when no one wins a majority?
C.B.C., October 17, 2019 (visited March 5, 2020)