Wiki Syntax |
Bold text __text__ |
Italic text 2 single quotes ('). '"text"' |
Underlined text ===text=== |
Colored text ~~#FFEE33:text~~ or ~~yellow:text~~. Will display using the indicated HTML color or color name. Color name can contain two colors separated by a comma. In this case, the first color would be the foreground and the second one the background. |
Deleted text 2 dashes "-". --text-- |
Headings !heading1, !!heading2, !!!heading3 |
Show/Hide !+, !!- show/hide heading section. + (shown) or - (hidden) by default. |
Autonumbered Headings !#, !!#, !+#, !-# ... |
Table of contents {toc}, {maketoc} prints out a table of contents for the current page based on structures (toc) or ! headings (maketoc). Common optional parameters for maketoc are: title|maxdepth|levels|nums, and for toc are: order|showdesc|shownum|structId|maxdepth|pagename. |
Horizontal rule ---- |
Text box ^Box content^ |
Centered text ::text:: |
Dynamic variables %Name% Inserts an editable variable |
External links use square brackets for an external link: [URL], [URL|link_description],[URL|link_description|relation] or [URL|description|relation|nocache] (that last prevents the local Wiki from caching the linked page; relation can be used to insert rel attribute for the link - useful e.g. for shadowbox). For an external Wiki, use ExternalWikiName:PageName or ((External Wiki Name: Page Name)) |
Square Brackets Use [[foo] to show [foo]. |
Wiki references JoinCapitalizedWords or use ((page)) or ((page|description)) for wiki references , ))SomeName(( prevents referencing |
Lists * for bullet lists, # for numbered lists, ;Word:definition for definiton lists |
Indentation +, ++ Creates an indentation for each plus (useful in list to continue at the same level) |
Tables || row1-col1 | row1-col2 | row1-col3 row2-col1 | row2-col2 | row2-col3 || |
Title bar -=Title=- |
Monospace font -+Code sample+- |
Line break %%% (very useful especially in tables) |
Multi-page pages Use to separate pages |
Non-parsed sections ~np~ data ~/np~ Prevents wiki parsing of the enclosed data. |
Preformated sections ~pp~ data ~/pp~ Displays preformated text/code; no Wiki processing is done inside these sections (as with np), and the spacing is fixed (no word wrapping is done). ~pre~ data ~/pre~ also displayes preformatted text with fixed spacing, but wiki processing still occurs on the text. |
Comments ~tc~ Tiki Comment ~/tc~ makes a Tiki comment. It will be completely removed from the display, but saved in the file for future reference. ~hc~ HTML Comment ~/hc~ makes an HTML comment. It will be inserted as a comment in the output HTML; these are not normally displayed in browsers, but can be seen using "View Source" or similar. |
Direction {r2l}, {l2r}, {rm}, {lm}Insert with respect to right-to-left and left-to-right text direction DIV (up to end of text) and markers for langages as Arabic and Hebrew. |
Special characters ~hs~ hard space, ~c~ ©, ~amp~ &, ~lt~ <, ~gt~ >, ~ldq~ “, ~rdq~ ”, ~lsq~ ‘, ~rsq~ ’, ~--~ —, ~bs~ \, numeric between ~ for HTML numeric characters entity |
Note that plugin arguments can be enclosed with double quotes ("); this allows them to contain , or = or >.
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