Where to establish the first matriarchist party?
The Canadian province of Quebec is often cited in this work to justify the establishment of a matriarchy. In the beginning, several factors influenced the manifesto's author locally towards Matriarchy. Much before the idea of writing a Matriarchist Party manifesto became a reality. Some strategic elements must be added, which position Quebec favorably for a possible world's first Matriarchist Party's success.
The International Matriarchist Party Project will thus focus on putting together the required elements to launch an official matriarchist party in Canada during the coming months. We will also investigate other parts of the Western world, where matriarchist ideas could rapidly gather public support. One promising European land where the manifesto's author already has strong ties and knowledge is Czechia. Many Czech people's characteristics suggest that the country is also ready to move towards matriarchy.
The Rhino Party once finished 2nd in front of the NDP and the Conservatives
Since the rise of independence support in the 1960s, the province of Quebec has often created surprises in Canada's federal elections. Indeed, a large proportion of Quebec voters do not recognize themselves in the traditional pan-Canadian parties' ideas. In the February 1980 elections, in the Laurier riding, the rhinoceros candidate Sonia Côté, known for her "Clown" character, caused quite a surprise by taking the second position before the New Democratic Party (NDP) and the Conservative Party1 .
The Rhinoceros Party is an all utterly wacky party that promised, for example, to unify the country by razing the Rocky Mountains. It also presented a mime candidate, supposed to represent the silent majority. This party still exists, but it now ranks among the marginal parties.
Above all, the Rhinoceros Party adventure shows that the Quebec electorate could be very open at taking the risk to support a party with genuinely revolutionary ideas in the Canadian federal elections. Voting has indeed shown high volatility during the past decade federal elections in Quebec2 .
Matriarchist candidates by 2023 in Canada
While confirming Quebec's electorate's volatility, the recent federal elections in October 2019 and November 2021 have put in place minority governments. Minority governments' duration rarely exceeds two years in Canada. Therefore, we can plan to present Matriarchist Party's candidates in probable elections for 2023 in Canada. A Matriarchist Party's successful result in Quebec could then play a springboard role afterward to generate enthusiasm in the rest of Canada, as had been the case for the Rhino Party in the past.
Large families ensured the Quebec people's sustainability.
The family institution played a vital role in helping the French fact survive in Quebec. For several decades, large families were the primary means of maintaining French language use in this part of Canada3 . Therefore, the big matrilocal family clan image will have a deep resonance in Quebec to ensure a civilization's survival.
Former communist block countries disappointed by capitalism and democracy
Matriarchist ideas could become relatively quickly popular among the former Eastern Block people. Indeed, for many of them, the transition to capitalist democracy was not at all what they expected. Among them, the Czech Republic is an excellent example of potentially fertile land for matriarchist ideas.
Most massive demonstrations since the fall of the Iron Curtain
In 2019, signs of deep social unrest were visible in Czechia. On Sunday, June 23, more than 200,000 people gathered at the Letna Park in Prague4 . Then on November 16, approximately 250,000 repeated the protests at the 30th Velvet Revolution anniversary5 . The Czechs are struggling in their experience of Democracy.
The nuclear family model is falling apart
The typical Czech family has changed tremendously since the Velvet Revolution in 1989. At the time, newborns were still coming almost exclusively from married couples. Thirty years later, close to a majority of babies are now born outside of marriage6 .
Not influenced by the monotheist patriarchs
The vast majority (72%) of the Czech people do not feel close to any religion. This fact puts the Czechs as a dramatic exception among the former Eastern block countries as they represent the only majority. It also puts them as one of the most secular countries in entire Europe.7 .
The land of a mythic matriarch
Princess Libushe (Libuše) is a legendary figure of the Czech people. She envisioned the future greatness of Prague as she took a crucial role in its founding. As an unmarried woman, this was already very unusual at the time8 .
But the legend goes much further. Under Libushe's reign, life ran on matriarchal principles. And at her death, Libushe's matriarchal order came to an end. But, then, a furious army of amazon warriors did oppose the men for several generations by establishing a women-only colony9 . One of their most famous warrior and battle legend survives through the Divoka (Wild) Šárka Valley name.
Two progressists nations of reasonable size
With 8,5 and 10,6 million, Quebec and Czechia have populations of reasonably manageable size for new idea spreading. According to the Social Cognitive Networks Academic Research Center (SCNARC) results, our target will be to convince approximately one million people (10% of the population) in both cases10 .
Quebec has been a North American public services leader in many areas during the past decades: public childcare, parental leave, and medical assistance in dying. Likewise, Czechia kept an extended social safety net from its previous communist era. And while strongly dissatisfied with their political leadership, the Czechs rank best among central European former communist nations regarding life satisfaction11 . Thus in both cases, we can expect Quebec and Czech people to be relatively open in putting social values at high priority in a Matriarchist political, economic, and social system.
Original quote: « Le 18 février 1980, le Parti rhinocéros recueille plus de 100 000 votes à travers le Canada. Dans la circonscription montréalaise de Laurier, la candidate Sonia « Chatouille » Côté surprend les analystes en terminant au second rang avec presque 13 % des suffrages »,
La petite histoire du Parti rhinocéros
Radio-Canada, November 7th, 2018 (visited December 16, 2019)
Philippe J. Fournier, Quebec’s political mood swing
Maclean’s, October 2nd, 2019 (visited december 16, 2019)
Original quote: « Ainsi, nos familles nombreuses ont pu contenir les « Loyalistes anglo-saxons » le long de la frontière américaine, évitant leur progression jusqu’au fleuve. À la frontière ouest, les familles nombreuses de la colonisation des Pays d’en Haut ont fait de l’Outaouais « une ligne de démarcation entre deux races. »
Michel Paillé, L’immigration au Québec dans un contexte de sous-fécondité chronique
Bulletin d'histoire politique, volume 18, numéro 2 (Winter 2010)
Hana de Goeij and Marc Santora, In the Largest Protests in Decades, Czechs Demand Resignation of Prime Minister
The New York Times, June 23, 2019 (visited February 21, 2020)
Ivana Kottasová, 30 years after the Velvet Revolution, the Czechs are back on the streets
CNN, November 16, 2019 (visited February 21, 2020)
original quote: « ...loni opět poklesl počet vdaných žen, které porodily. Klesl počet dětí narozených do „klasické rodiny“, do „staré rodiny“. Vdaných rodiček bylo 53,3 procenta. V roce 2001 jich napočítali ještě 76,5 procenta. A v roce převratu, 1989, 92,1 procenta žen rodilo vdaných. »
Martin Fendrych, Klasická rodina je fuč. Polovina dětí se rodí mimo manželství. Svobodu chceme pro sebe
Aktualne.cz, October 21, 2015 (visited February 21, 2020)
Religious Belief and National Belonging in Central and Eastern Europe
Pew Research Center, May 10, 2017 (visited February 25, 2020)
Alfred Thomas, Prague Palimpsest: Writing, Memory, and the City
University of Chicago Press, 2010 (visited February 25, 2020)
Kate Hodges, Warriors, Witches, Women: Celebrating mythology's fiercest females
White Lion Publishing, 2020
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, July 26, 2011 (visited February 23, 2020)